SageELF Cassette

SageELF Cassette 2%, DNA, 100 bp - 2.3 kb

Reference: ELD2004

Gel cassettes for DNA selections on the SageELF. Gel cassettes are available in two agarose gel concentrations to provide whole-sample DNA fractionation in ranges between 100 bp and 40 kb.

Features :

  • Size range : 100 bp - 2.3 kb
  • Fractionates the whole sample, or section of sample, into 12 fractions
  • 1 sample per cassette, 2 cassettes per run
CHF 221.00
Tax excluded
Packaging: 4 cassettes
An account is required to purchase this item.

The SageELF can process 1 sample per cassette and 2 cassettes per run.

Kit content :

Gel Cassettes
Electrophoresis buffer
Loading solution
Fluorescent marker

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