G:BOX Chemi XX6
  • G:BOX Chemi XX6
  • G:BOX Chemi XX6
  • G:BOX Chemi XX6

G:BOX Chemi XX6 System


For high performance imaging, the new generation of G:BOX Chemi gel doc systems provide the user with an extended range of applications covering fluorescence and chemiluminescence.

Features :

  • Super high resolution with a 6.0 million pixel camera
  • Effective resolution up to 18.0 million pixels
  • Motor driven lens with feedback
  • Motor driven 7 position filter wheel

The G:BOX Chemi series features cameras with resolutions of 4.0 million, 6.0 million or 9.0 million pixels. All have cooling which reduces the small amount of electronically generated noise to produce outstanding images with minimal background interference. These new generation cameras also have higher quantum efficiencies (QE) than most, helping the system to achieve outstanding levels of sensitivity.

Whether using the system for standard fluorescence applications such as DNA, or for chemiluminescence imaging, the G:BOX Chemi will give you high quality results. In addition, by using the optional LED modules users can work with a unique automated multiplexed function capable of using up to 5 channels. Other LED modules can be used to turn the G:BOX Chemi gel doc into a highly sensitive IR capture system. An edge lighting option can also be used for 2D gel capture including the use of DIGE gels.

The stylish design with modular construction includes motor-driven lenses, filter wheels with the option of including a range of lighting choices for both Epi and transillumination applications.

Check the status of an image capture and access your recently captured images from any computer, smartphone or tablet on the same network as G:BOX Chemi XX6 gel doc system using the new "Status Link" feature. This is ideal for any busy laboratory.

The system comes complete with unlimited copies of GeneTools analysis software.


Syngene's revolutionary GeneSys image acquisition software has been developed for use With G:BOX, G:BOX mini, GeneGnome and lnGenius3 systems. GeneSys ensures scientists can quickly capture excellent images of even complex multiplex gels.

The latest version of GeneSys has lots of fantastic and exciting new features. These include:

  • Two new Chemi capture features (Auto Chemi Rapid and Signal Accumulation Calculator (SAC))
  • The ability to capture colour markers and overlay with a chemi image
  • Batch saving of images
  • "Save as" replaces 'Export for publication'

Enhanced image is a new feature in the edit screen and the number of steps for automatic capture have been reduced to ensure a quicker route to a Live image.

GeneSys software also includes QuickQuant, a feature for rapid band quantification analysis on blots or gels. For use in Syngene's G:BOX, G:BOX mini and GeneGnome systems, QuickQuant is ideal for scientists who need to perform rapid band quantifcation while they are using their imager. It makes it easy to analyse protein or DNA down to nanogram levels as soon as they have captured their gel or Western blot images.

GeneSys image capture software is suitable for a CFR21 Part 11 compliant environment.



GeneTools analysis software is intuitive, easy to navigate and includes comprehensive tools to provide a full range of analysis capabilities for many different applications:

  • chemiluminescence
  • chemifluorescence
  • fluorescence
  • colorimetric imaging
  • colony counting

GeneTools is supplied with every Syngene system and comes with free upgrades for life. Unlimited copies offered with all G:BOX and GeneGnome systems.

GeneTools software supports 21 CFR Part 11 compliance.

  • Infrared fluorescence
  • Multiplexing
  • Protein gels
  • DNA gels
  • Films
  • Colony counting
  • Chemiluminescent blots
  • Bioluminescence
  • 2D gels
  • Stain free
  • Colorimetric blot detection
  • GFP plant imaging


Image resolution 6.0 million pixels
Effective resolution 18.0 million pixels
Dynamic range (greyscale) 65,536
Quantum efficiency @ 425 nm 73%
Sensitivity •••••
Imaging speed •••••

System specifications

Detector (degrees celsius) -57°C cooled CCD
Standard optics f0.95 with auto focus
Max image area 32.3 x 25.6 cm
Min image area 15.0 x 11.7 cm


LED epi excitation (red, green, blue and IR) Optional
Epi UV excitation Optional
365/302 nm UV transilluminator Optional
Blue light transilluminator Optional
Epi white lights Yes
Visible light converter Optional
White light pad for visible stains Optional
Edge lighting unit Optional
Filter positions 7 - motor driven
UV filter as standard Yes
System software GeneSys
Analysis software GeneTools
Data format 16 bit
Dimensions (W x D x H) 57.0 x 55.0 x 99.0 cm
Weight 45 kg
Upgradeable camera Yes
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